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"15 Foundational Habits of Legacy Building Families"

What you will get from this guide:

*Practical habits to implement immediately

*Conversation tips for meaningful connection

*Easy things to do that will add up to a legacy over time

*Ability to add value to your family NOW

About Amy Shaw

Amy Shaw didn’t expect to become an end of life concierge. But after years of living abroad, having 10 children (4 biological and 6 adopted), Amy and her husband got the news. He had a terminal illness. Rather than bemoan a diagnosis, Amy and Brian chose to celebrate his life. This is what inspired her Walk the Red program which equips the diagnosed and their caregivers with a powerful protocol to help them end well. Amy says, “We’re actually all on the red carpet. We all get to decide how we live and how we die.” In addition to being a John Maxwell certified speaker, Amy is a modern impressionist artist who often combines her artistic abilities with her keynotes and workshops.